Note: These articles are copyrighted by their respective publishers. The full manuscripts are provided only for personal and educational purposes. Any other use requires the explicit permission of the publisher and the authors.
Book chapters
[6] A. Nojeh, “Heat localization and thermionic emission from carbon nanotubes,” in Nanostructured Carbon Electron Emitters and their Applications, Yahachi Saito, Editor, Jenny Stanford Publishing (2022)
[5] A. Ganguly, P. Pande, B. Belzer, and A. Nojeh, “Sustainable and reliable on-chip wireless communication infrastructure for massive multi-core systems,” in Evolutionary Based Solutions for Green Computing, Samee U. Khan, Joanna Kolodziej, Jen J. Li, and Albert Zomaya, Editors, Springer-Verlag (2012)
[4] M. Chang, P. Yaghoobi, W. Khalid, and A. Nojeh, “The synthesis of vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube forests by thermal chemical vapor deposition,” in Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Ajay Mishra, Editor, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2012)
[3] A. Kashefian Naieni and A. Nojeh, “Quantum-dot devices based on carbon nanotubes,” in Nano-electronics – Nanowires, Molecular Electronics, and Nano-devices, Krzysztof Iniewski, Editor, McGraw-Hill (2010)
[2] A. Nojeh, “Nanoscale devices: modeling and applications,” in Bio-Inspired and Nanoscale Integrated Computing, Mary Eshaghian-Wilner, Editor, Wiley (2009)
[1] E. A. Ebreo Cara, S. Chu, M. M. Eshaghian-Wilner, E. Mlinar, A. Nojeh, F. Rofail, M. M. Safaee, S. Singh, D. Wu, and C. W. Yip, “An introduction to nanocomputing,” in Bio-Inspired and Nanoscale Integrated Computing, Mary Eshaghian-Wilner, Editor, Wiley (2009)
Journal papers
[81] E. Rahman and A. Nojeh, “The effects of electronic and photonic coupling on the performance of a photothermionic-photovoltaic hybrid solar device,” Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 247, 111945 (2022)
[80] D. Bruns, A. Nojeh, A. S. Phani, and J. Rottler, “Comment on “Ultrahigh convergent thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes from comprehensive atomistic modeling,”” Physical Review Letters 128, 259601 (2022)
[79] D. Bruns, A. Nojeh, A. S. Phani, and J. Rottler, “Nanotube heat conductors under tensile strain: reducing the three-phonon scattering strength of acoustic phonons,” Physical Review B 104, 075440 (2021)
[78] E. Rahman and A. Nojeh, “Semiconductor Thermionics for next generation solar cells: photon enhanced or pure thermionic?,” Nature Communications 12, 4622 (2021)
(Also featured in PV Magazine)
[77] M. O. Hassan, K. Takahata, and A. Nojeh, “Space charge in a vacuum diode: from macroscopic to microscopic gaps,” Journal of Applied Physics 130, 024502 (2021)
[76] A. Bhardwaj, A. S. Phani, A. Nojeh, and D. Mukherji, “Thermal transport in molecular forests,” ACS Nano 15, 1826 (2021)
[75] E. Rahman and A. Nojeh, “Interplay between near-field radiative coupling and space-charge effects in a microgap thermionic energy converter under fixed heat input,” Physical Review Applied 14, 024082 (2020)
[74] M. O. Hassan, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “A microcantilever of self-suspended carbon nanotube forest for material characterization and sensing applications,” Applied Physics Letters 117, 013101 (2020)
[73] K. J. Voon, M. Chang, G. A. Sawatzky, and A. Nojeh, “Modeling energy exchange and heating within nanorod arrays due to near-field radiative coupling,” Journal of Applied Physics 127, 234302 (2020)
[72] E. Rahman and A. Nojeh, “Harvesting solar thermal energy with a micro-gap thermionic-thermoelectric hybrid energy converter: Model development, energy exchange analysis, and performance optimization,” Energy 204, 117947 (2020)
[71] D. Bruns, A. Nojeh, A. S. Phani, and J. Rottler, “Heat transport in carbon nanotubes: length dependence of phononic conductivity from the Boltzmann transport equation and molecular dynamics,” Physical Review B 101, 195408 (2020)
[70] F. Mohammadbeigi, L. A. Whitehead, R. Divigalpitiya, and A. Nojeh, “Observations of radiation dominated rapid cooling of structures based on carbon nanotubes and graphene,” Advanced Engineering Materials 2020, 1901315 (2020)
[69] M. O Hassan, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Post-growth planarization of vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests for electron-emission devices,” ACS Applied Nano Materials 2, 4594 (2019)
[68] A. Nojeh, G. A. Sawatzky, and L. A. Whitehead, “Graphene-based bidirectional radiative thermal transfer method for heat engines,” Applied Optics 58, 2028 (2019)
[67] E. Rahman and A. Nojeh, “Adsorbate-enhanced field-emission from single-walled carbon nanotubes: a comparative first-principles study” Nanotechnology 30, 175202 (2019)
[66] M. Chang, H. D. E. Fan, M. M. Chowdhury, G. A. Sawatzky, and A. Nojeh, “Heat localization through reduced dimensionality,” Physical Review B 98, 155422 (2018)
[65] D. B. Go, J. R. Haase, J. George, J. Mannhart, R. Wanke, A. Nojeh, and R. Nemanich, “Thermionic energy conversion in the twenty-first century: advances and opportunities for space and terrestrial applications,” Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 3, 13 (2017)
[64] A. Nojeh, “Carbon nanotube photo-thermionics: toward laser-pointer-driven cathodes for simple free-electron devices and systems,” MRS Bulletin 42, 500 (2017)
[63] M. R. Mohd Asyraf, M. Rana, T. Saleh, H. D. E. Fan, A. T. Koch, A. Nojeh, K. Takahata, and A. G. B. Abdul Muthalif, “Optical anisotropy in micromechanically rolled carbon nanotube forest,” Electronic Materials Letters 2017, 1 (2017)
[62] A. Khoshaman and A. Nojeh, “Low-pressure plasma-enhanced behavior of thermionic converters,” Journal of Applied Physics 120, 243302 (2016)
[61] M. S. Sarwar, Z. Xiao, T. Saleh, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Micro glow plasma for localized nanostructural modification of carbon nanotube forest,” Applied Physics Letters 109, 081604 (2016)
[60] A. H. Khoshaman and A. Nojeh, “Classical momentum gap for electron transport in vacuum and consequences for space charge in thermionic converters with a grid electrode,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 34, 040610 (2016)
[59] A. H. Khoshaman and A. Nojeh, “A self-consistent approach to the analysis of thermionic devices,” Journal of Applied Physics 119, 044902 (2016)
[58] Z. Xiao, M. Dahmardeh, M. Vahdani Moghaddam, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Scaling approach toward nano electro-discharge machining: nanoscale patterning of carbon nanotube forests,” Microelectronic Engineering 150, 64 (2016)
[57] M. R. Mohd Asyraf, M. Masud Rana, T. Saleh, H. D. E. Fan, A. T. Koch, A. Nojeh, K. Takahata, and A. B. Suriani, “Study on micro-patterning process of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs),” Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 24, 88 (2016)
[56] A. T. Koch, A. H. Khoshaman, H. D. E. Fan, G. A. Sawatzky, and A. Nojeh, “Graphenylene nanotubes,” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 3982 (2015)
[55] M. Vahdani Moghaddam, P. Yaghoobi, G. A. Sawatzky, and A. Nojeh, “Photon-impenetrable, electron-permeable: the carbon nanotube forest as a medium for multi-photon thermal-photoemission,” ACS Nano 9, 4064 (2015)
[54] A. H. Khoshaman, A. T. Koch, M. Chang, H. D. E. Fan, M. Vahdani Moghaddam, and A. Nojeh, “Nanostructured thermionics for conversion of light to electricity: simultaneous extraction of device parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 14, 624 (2015)
[53] A. H. Khoshaman, H. D. E. Fan, A. T. Koch, G. A. Sawatzky, and A. Nojeh, “Thermionics thermoelectrics and nanotechnology: new possibilities for old ideas,” IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine 8, 4 (2014)
[52] M. S. Sarwar, M. Dahmardeh, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Batch mode micropatterning of carbon nanotube forests using UV-LIGA assisted micro-electro-discharge machining,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214, 2537 (2014)
[51] A. Kashefian Naieni and A. Nojeh, “Dielectrophoretic deposition of carbon nanotubes: the role of field frequency and its dependence on solution conductivity,” Microelectronic Engineering 114, 26 (2014)
[50] S. Motavas, A. Ivanov, and A. Nojeh, “The effect of light polarization on the interband transition spectra of zigzag carbon nanotubes and its diameter dependence,” Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 56, 79 (2014)
[49] A. Nojeh, “Carbon nanotube electron sources: from electron beams to energy conversion and optophononics,” ISRN Nanomaterials 2014, 879827 (2014)
[48] A. Kashefian Naieni and A. Nojeh, “The mutual interactions of carbon nanotubes during dielectrophoresis,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 12, 1068 (2013)
[47] M. Dahmardeh, M. Vahdani Moghaddam, T. M. Hian, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “The effects of three-dimensional shaping of vertically aligned carbon-nanotube contacts for micro-electro-mechanical switches,” Applied Physics Letters 103, 231606 (2013)
[46] Z. Xiao, M. S. Sarwar, M. Dahmardeh, M. Vahdani Moghaddam, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Cone-shaped forest of aligned carbon nanotubes: an alternative probe for scanning microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 103, 171603 (2013)
[45] S. Motavas, A. Ivanov, and A. Nojeh, “The curvature of the nanotube sidewall and its effect on the electronic and optical properties of zigzag nanotubes,” Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1020, 32 (2013)
[44] M. Dahmardeh, M. S. Mohamed Ali, T. Saleh, T. M. Hian, M. Vahdani Moghaddam, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “High-power MEMS switch enabled by carbon-nanotube contact and shape-memory-alloy actuator,” Physica Status Solidi A 210, 631 (2013)
[43] I. Kyriakou, D. Emfietzoglou, A. Nojeh, and M. Moscovitch, “Monte Carlo study of electron-beam penetration and backscattering in multi-walled carbon nanotube materials: the effect of different scattering models,” Journal of Applied Physics 113, 084303 (2013)
[42] M. Vahdani Moghaddam, P. Yaghoobi, and A. Nojeh, “Polarization-dependent light-induced thermionic electron emission from carbon nanotube arrays using a wide range of wavelengths,” Applied Physics Letters 101, 253110 (2012)
[41] A. Kashefian Naieni and A. Nojeh, “Effect of solution conductivity and electrode shape on the deposition of carbon nanotubes from solution using dielectrophoresis,” Nanotechnology 23, 495606 (2012)
[40] P. Yaghoobi, M. Vahdani Moghaddam, and A. Nojeh, “Solar electron source and thermionic solar cell,” AIP Advances 2, 042139 (2012)
[39] T. Saleh, M. Dahmardeh, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Dry micro-electro-discharge machining of carbon nanotube forests using sulphur-hexafluoride,” Carbon 52, 288 (2012)
[38] T. Saleh, M. Vahdani Moghaddam, M. S. Mohamed Ali, M. Dahmardeh, C. A. Foell, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Transforming carbon nanotube forest from darkest absorber to reflective mirror,” Applied Physics Letters 101, 061913 (2012)
[37] A. Bsoul, M. S. Mohamed Ali, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Piezoresistive strain sensing using carbon nanotube forests suspended by Parylene-C membranes,” Applied Physics Letters 100, 213510 (2012)
[36] Y. Choi, M. Michan, J. Johnson, A. Kashefian Naieni, A. Ural, and A. Nojeh, “Field-emission properties of individual GaN nanowires grown by chemical vapor deposition,” Journal of Applied Physics 111, 044308 (2012)
[35] A. Kashefian Naieni, P. Yaghoobi, and A. Nojeh, “First-principles study of field-emission from carbon nanotubes in the presence of methane,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 30, 021803 (2012)
[34] F. Khademolhosseini, A. S. Phani, A. Nojeh, and R. K. N. D. Rajapakse, “Nonlocal continuum modeling and molecular dynamics simulation of torsional vibration of carbon nanotubes,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 11, 34 (2012)
[33] T. Saleh, M. Dahmardeh, A. Bsoul, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Field-emission-assisted approach to dry micro-electro-discharge machining of carbon-nanotube forests,” Journal of Applied Physics 110, 103305 (2011)
[32] P. Yaghoobi, M. Vahdani Moghaddam, and A. Nojeh, “”Heat trap”: light-induced localized heating and thermionic electron emission from carbon nanotube arrays,” Solid State Communications 151, 1105 (2011)
[31] M. K. Alam and A. Nojeh, “Monte Carlo simulation of electron scattering and secondary electron emission in individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes: a discrete energy loss approach,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 29, 041803 (2011)
[30] M. Dahmardeh, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “Possible mechanism in dry micro-electro-discharge machining of carbon nanotube forests: a study of the effect of oxygen,” Journal of Applied Physics 109, 093308 (2011)
[29] A. Nojeh, “Electron emission from carbon nanotubes: field-emission and beyond,” IEEE Nanotechnology Newsletter August 2011, 3 (2011)
[28] A. Kashefian Naieni, P. Yaghoobi, D. J. Woodsworth, and A. Nojeh, “Structural deformations and current oscillations in armchair-carbon nanotube cross devices: a theoretical study,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 085402 (2011)
[27] M. K. Alam, R. F. W. Pease, and A. Nojeh, “Comment on “Ultrahigh secondary electron emission of carbon nanotubes”,” Applied Physics Letters 98, 066101 (2011)
[26] P. Yaghoobi, M. Vahdani Moghaddam, M. Michan, and A. Nojeh, “Visible-light induced electron emission from carbon nanotube forests,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 29, 02B104 (2011)
[25] E. Beheshti, A. Nojeh, and P. Servati, “A first-principles study of calcium-decorated, boron-doped graphene for high capacity hydrogen storage,” Carbon 49, 1561 (2011)
[24] M. K. Alam, P. Yaghoobi, M. Chang, and A. Nojeh, “Secondary electron yield of multiwalled carbon nanotubes,” Applied Physics Letters 97, 261902 (2010)
[23] M. K. Alam, P. Yaghoobi, and A. Nojeh, “Monte Carlo modeling of electron backscattering from carbon nanotube forests,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 28, C6J13 (2010)
[22] P. Yaghoobi, M. Michan, and A. Nojeh, “Middle-ultraviolet laser photoelectron emission from vertically aligned millimeter-long multiwalled carbon nanotubes,” Applied Physics Letters 97, 153119 (2010)
[21] W. Khalid, M. S. Mohamed Ali, M. Dahmardeh, Y. Choi, P. Yaghoobi, A. Nojeh, and K. Takahata, “High-aspect-ratio, free-form patterning of carbon nanotube forests using micro-electro-discharge machining,” Diamond and Related Materials 19, 1405 (2010)
[20] S. Motavas, A. Ivanov, and A. Nojeh, “Optical transitions in semiconducting zigzag carbon nanotubes with small diameters: a first-principles broad-range study,” Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82, 085442 (2010)
[19] M. Michan, P. Yaghoobi, B. Wong, and A. Nojeh, “High electron gain from single-walled carbon nanotubes stimulated by interaction with an electron beam,” Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81, 195438 (2010)
[18] F. Khademolhosseini, R. K. N. D. Rajapakse, and A. Nojeh, “Torsional buckling of carbon nanotubes based on nonlocal elasticity shell models,” Computational Materials Science 48, 736 (2010)
[17] A. Nojeh and A. Ivanov, “Wireless interconnect and the potential for carbon nanotubes,” IEEE Design & Test of Computers 27(4), 44 (2010)
[16] T. Mirfakhrai, R. Krishna-Prasad, A. Nojeh, and J. D. W. Madden, “Bond order effects in electromechanical actuation of armchair single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Journal of Chemical Physics 132, 074703 (2010)
[15] M. K. Alam, P. Yaghoobi, and A. Nojeh, “Unusual secondary electron emission behavior in carbon nanotube forests,” Scanning 31, 221 (2009)
[14] P. Yaghoobi, M. K. Alam, K. Walus, and A. Nojeh, “High subthreshold field-emission current due to hydrogen adsorption in single-walled carbon nanotubes: a first-principles study,” Applied Physics Letters 95, 262102 (2009)
[13] M. K. Alam, S. P. Eslami, and A. Nojeh, “Secondary electron emission from single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42, 124 (2009)
[12] F. Khademolhosseini, R. K. N. D. Rajapakse, and A. Nojeh, “Application of nonlocal elasticity shell model for axial buckling of single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Sensors & Transducers 7, 88 (2009)
[11] P. Yaghoobi, K. Walus, and A. Nojeh, “First-principles study of quantum tunneling from nanostructures: current in a single-walled carbon nanotube electron source,” Physical Review B 80, 115422 (2009)
[10] A. Nojeh, K. Ioakeimidi, S. Sheikhaei, and R. F. W. Pease, “Photoemission from single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Journal of Applied Physics 104, 054308 (2008)
[9] T. Mirfakhrai, R. Krishna-Prasad, A. Nojeh, and J. D. W. Madden, “Electromechanical actuation of single-walled carbon nanotubes: an ab-initio study,” Nanotechnology 19, 315706 (2008)
[8] P. Yaghoobi and A. Nojeh, “Electron emission from carbon nanotubes,” Modern Physics Letters B 21, 1807 (2007)
[7] A. Nojeh, B. Shan, K. Cho, and R. F. W. Pease, “Ab initio modeling of the interaction of electron beams and single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Physical Review Letters 96, 056802 (2006)
[6] W.-K. Wong, A. Nojeh, and R. F. W. Pease, “Parameters and mechanisms governing image contrast in scanning electron microscopy of single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Scanning 28, 219 (2006)
[5] A. Nojeh, A. Ural, R. F. W. Pease, and H. Dai, “Electric-field-directed growth of carbon nanotubes in two dimensions,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 22, 3421 (2004)
[4] A. Nojeh, W. -K. Wong, E. Yieh, R. F. W. Pease, and H. Dai, “Electron beam stimulated field-emission from single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 22, 3124 (2004)
[3] A. Nojeh, W. -K. Wong, A. W. Baum, R. F. W. Pease, and H. Dai, “Scanning electron microscopy of field-emitting individual single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Applied Physics Letters 85, 112 (2004)
[2] A. Nojeh, G. Lakatos, S. Peng, K. Cho, and R. F. W. Pease, “A carbon nanotube cross structure as a nanoscale quantum device,” Nano Letters 3, 1187 (2003)
[1] S. Khorasani, A. Nojeh, and B. Rashidian, “Design and analysis of the integrated plasma wave micro-optical modulator/switch,” Fiber and Integrated Optics 21, 173 (2002)